Thursday, May 13, 2010

P&G launches Supplier Sustainability Scorecard

Proctor & Gamble has gotten onboard with assessing their suppliers environmental footprint through the use of a scorecard. They will be evaluating and measuring energy use, water use, wast disposal and greenhouse gas emmissions on a year-to-year basis, states the article released on May 12, 2010.

The scorecard will be available to the public and open for use to any organization to evaluate the envionmental performance of the key suppliers. P&G are in hopes that they can encourage environmental improvement across a span of 75,000 businesses and $42 billion in spending.

The company says that in 2010 it is going to be transitioing from its current internal system of auditing to use thrid-party auditors and will subscribe to SEDEX database where the results can be shared.

Personally, I think that it is great for large companies to attempt to get on board with regulating their efforts to reduce environmental impacts. The only problem I have with this is whether or not the suppliers will actually follow through with their scorecards. Companies can talk the talk, but can they walk the walk is a major aspect of implementing the scorecards.

To read the full article visit:

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