Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Ecological Footprint Update

Well, as the weeks have progressed, I have decided I need to throw out one of my goals. That goal that I am having a problem doing with is remembering to use the recyclable bags when I go to the grocery store. We have three bags at the house but are left on the pantry doorknob when I walk out of the house to go get groceries. I feel that if I can reduce the amount of plastic bags that I use at the grocery store and carry more in the plastic bags then that will be a step to using less plastic bags. We then reuse the plastic bags at the house multiple times and stock them in a drawer rather than throwing them all away, which would be bad for the environment. I thought it was a good goal to use at the beginning of the year and I attempted it by having reusable bags, however the goal went down the drain when I kept forgetting to walk into the store with the bags.

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