Thursday, June 3, 2010

Shopping Bags Go Green

I found this article this morning and found it sort of relevant to what I experienced yesterday at the grocery store. Once again, I failed to bring my reusable shopping bags, as they were left in the car. I was at The Market in Fairhaven and I went through the checkout stand with some items for dinner. The lady behind the counter asked if I wanted paper or plastic bags. I sort of stumbled for an answer. I feel like I was caught between a rock and a hard place. I could choose paper, but lets me honest, that was one more part of a tree taht was killed. Then I though about plastic and was hesitant to say plastic. The checkout lady must have noticed my frustration that was displayed across my face in this small period of time. She said that the plastic bags are becoming recyclable and it was displayed on the bag. I did not feel as bad now, for choosing plastic bagging. I suppose my best option would have been none however I had too many ingrediants for only having two hand and just a wallet. Of all times to not bring a friend or a huge purse, I decided to go with the plastic bag. In the following article, it talks about grocery store's attepmpt to make the shopping bags more recyclable.

Read the article at:

This may be a small step towards making the change, however any step is better than no sep at all!

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