Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Green Jobs!!

To my surprise, I found an article this morning regarding people on the hunt for "Green Jobs." As some people might chuckle at the thought of this, there has been an astounding demand for these positions across the US.

I found in the article, that last October Forbes projected the ten top hottest green job markets:

  • New York City, though feeling the market collapse, is also projected to be a place to head for green jobs. Generating 25,000 green jobs in 2006, the city may generate 200,000 more by 2038 in engineering, architecture and design.
  • Washington, DC makes it to the top of the green jobs list with the federal government aiming to lower energy costs for the more than half-million buildings it oversees, according to Forbes.
  • Houston houses two of the nation’s most polluted economies and is a master of making profit off of energy. Houston’s experience building large energy projects has proven successful beyond oil, creating a serious wind economy in the city.
  • California houses three strong green economies: the state attracts tons of green venture capitalists, green innovators, eco-conscious mayors and green Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Los Angeles tops out other California green economies with a serious water shortage to confront.
  • Boston houses leading universities that will bring the city into the green economy. Harvard, MIT and other institutions are at the forefront of renewable energy academia.
  • Chicago is home to the Chicago Climate Exchange, America’s first carbon trading exchange. [Board of Directors]
  • Philadelphia is getting green, converting old warehouses to wind turbine factories and pushing energy efficiency on state legislature.
  • San Francisco is home to a serious number of venture capitalists and Mayor Gavin Newsom, pushing green jobs at every opportunity.
  • San Diego made it in the Forbes’ top ten thanks to its solar power. Sunny conditions mixed with booming renewable energy markets are the perfect ingredients for the generation of green jobs.
  • Pittsburgh is regenerating its collapsed industrial economy with a committed investment in green jobs.

I found these cities quite intriging and was unaware of the opportunities out there for people to join this awesome movement and support the "green" economy. Every little bit counts and we will being to take what we can get!

Read more at: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://therealbarackobama.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/1-1-1-a41.jpg&imgrefurl=http://therealbarackobama.wordpress.com/2009/03/03/its-not-easy-being-green-biden%25E2%2580%2599s-middle-class-and-working-families-task-force/&usg=__nJmp3B-pBWZk96TrVksmz5gkzNE=&h=1000&w=750&sz=157&hl=en&start=29&sig2=CQWNWOusYHLihOZFHxtSUQ&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=Dc2cUctdbjo1-M:&tbnh=149&tbnw=112&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgreenbiz.com%26start%3D21%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26ndsp%3D21%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=uzwFTN2-C82F-Ab83cTBDg

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