Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ecological Footprint Reduction Update

Well so far in my attempt to reduce my ecological footprint, I have done pretty well, however I still have definite room for improvement. I have been turning off all the lights and turning off power strips at night as well as unplugging things in my room when they are not in use. I have also unplugged all of the appliances in the kitchen when we are not using any of the appliances. The laundry issue has been a work in progress. Living with 4 others girls, it has been hard to minimize the amount of loads we have been doing, however I have switched to washing my clothes on cold rather than on hot. I think we still need to come up with a number of loads per week to do rather than each person doing small loads every week. Another area I also have not been doing very well on is using the reusable grocery bags. I think I need to just leave them in my car rather than on the kitchen table, because clearly that is doing me no good. I also have yet to purchase fruits and vegtables from the local farmer down the street, so hopefully soon I will walk down there and buy them! I am going to make more of an effort these next couple weeks to really focus on completing my tasks and continue to reduce my footprint!

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